Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Big Bang and Inflation Theories

The big bang, the most common theory about how the universe was created. The origin of the big bang came from a Roman Catholic priest and physicist Georges Lemaitre in 1927 after calculating the Friedman solution and suggesting that the universe was expanding. After this, there was people who were concerned because of Lemaitre being a priest that he put forth a theory of  creation instead of taking it from a religious stand point. Fast forward to 2001, a program by NASA, the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe provided evidence of a period of inflation that was in the early universe, giving more reason to believe the inflation theory. The inflation theory brings ideas of quantum physics and particle physics together to explore early moments of the universe. The only problem with the inflation theory is that inflation could continue forever and never end. If this was true the idea of the early universe presented by Coleman would not work. The inflation theory is theory that brings us the idea of a multiverse, where there is more than one universe that is similar to the one we live in now, but with different environmental conditions.

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