Wednesday, August 21, 2013


The big crunch theory is not exactly like the other theories on the creation of the universe, this theory is just used as evidence that is used for the big bang theory. Also, it states that astronomers should be able to see the universe expanding, but that is mainly if we have the correct technology yet, for all we know, we might just have a little bit of the technology that we'd need to be able to something like this, but if we could, I believe that it would be very interesting. After the big bang supposedly happened, the temperature in the universe dropped from around 5432 degrees Fahrenheit, which allowed more stable particles to form. Another theory that explains how the big crunch works is that the galaxies we know of now were once protogalaxies, that matured into a galaxy. Going beyond the big bang, it's said that there are three different possibilities that the universe could be, which are: open, flat, or closed.

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